July 27, 2024
Home Blog

New World Order: The United States in Decline – Global Governance Shifting

The world needs a leader, and that leader since the end of the Cold War has been the United States of America. Throughout the...

Trans Activists Blame the Dead – In Failure to Blame the Shooter in the...

In most mass shootings, at fault, in agreement with the general public, is the notion that the Shooter is the single mind to blame....

Dr. Fauci Prompted Drafting Paper to Disprove Lab Leak Theory – China still blocking...

Suddenly, the world began dealing with a pandemic that would cost millions of lives, livelihoods, jobs, years of education, medical procedures, and so much...
Saudi Arabia

The Line: You’ll Own Nothing, You’ll live in a line, and We will Know...

The world over our aging infrastructure is a known problem, and how humanity corrects course over the next several decades will determine what the...

The United States Military Shot Down Four ‘Unidentified Flying Objects’ over Our Airspace in...

The United States Military, over the weekend, shot down a total of three unidentified flying objects over North American Airspace; one in Canada, one...
Artificial Intelligence

Welcome to Dystopia: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence – Bard and Bing

For many years, we've been told that we will have to restructure our economy around that of Artificial Intelligence because it will take over...

Unbalanced Education – College Campuses are Training Camps for Progressive Ideology

Conservative Thought is no longer allowed on top-tier College Campuses across America and hasn't been for several years. Although these institutions will state that...

Part One: Welcome to the Fifteen Minute City – You Own Nothing, You Cannot...

Trinkets or Freedom? The choice is yours, and only you'll be helped along to choose trinkets in your city and in your zone. Blind...

Christianity in Decline: We’re Losing Faith and the Societal Results Are Clear – The...

In the early twentieth century, the majority of persons believed in God as described in the Christian Bible, however, as time goes on, a...
Brick wall in a class room

The Progressives are quickly moving to Adopt Pedophilia as a ‘Gender Identity’

Our children are not safe. Not with the latest developments from the likes of Progressive ideology. On the one hand, there are active, elected...

Prominent Health Care Corporation Nemours Blocks Parental Access to Children’s Medical Information – Children...

Society is creeping further into revoking parental rights; first, we can start with several news anchors who have forgotten that children belong to their...
woman on a bench

Updated: Canadians and their Assisted Suicide Problem: Next Year, Twelve Year Olds Can Elect...

It's a shocking subtitle to see that such a young male wants to end his own life and has asked for the Government's assistance...

The Twitter Files; How The Biden Team Directly Interfered in the 2020 Election

For many years now, Conservatives have said that Big Tech, in conjunction with the Democratic Party, companies like Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon, Twitter, and...

Elon Musk Reinstates Former President Trump on Twitter After 15 Million People Vote

Yesterday, Elon Musk ran a personal poll to see if the people of Twitter wanted Donald Trump to be reinstated. After 15 million votes;...

Tucker Carlson: This Lie Could Get Millions of People Killed

Fox News host Tucker Carlson reacts to false reports Russian missiles hit Poland and gives his take on the FTX meltdown on 'Tucker Carlson...

Former President Donald John Trump Announces 3rd Bid for White House – Full Speech

Former President Donald Trump has announced that he is running for President in 2024.

Under our Noses; The Left Smuggled Radical Gender Theory into over Four Thousand Schools...

Identity is a form that can change dependent on the situation and as we age. During the formative years of life and throughout school,...
Man with Flag Ukraine

US Troops are on the Ground in Ukraine – Pentagon Confirms

Other than sending military aid, the United States had yet to enter Ukraine. However, two reports from the Associated Press and The Washington Post...

The United Nations and Planned Parenthood – Connection to Eugenics of Old and of...

The United Nations, Planned Parenthood, and many other similar institutions are the modern-day legs of Eugenics. So, how is it that when a man...
coronavirus mask

Florida Surgeon General Issues New Covid Vaccine Guidance; Males aged 18-39 should not get...

Released on October 7th, 2022, the Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A Ladapo issued new guidance regarding the Covid Vaccine and its risk to...

Uvalde and Buffalo Shootings Lead to New Gun Legislation – Procedurally Passed by the...

The horrific shootings that took place in Uvalde and Buffalo, New York have led the government to attempt to reform gun laws. The House...

Recession 2023 – Full Steam Ahead, According to Polled Economists – How bad will...

The United States' economy is in trouble. Inflation is the highest it's been in nearly forty years, and the Federal Reserve is raising interest...

Shocking Claim: Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey – Jan. 6th Was Staged to...

Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey on camera said that what took place on January 6th was a setup for Trump to be impeached....

Whistleblower: DHS Disinformation Governance Board Purpose to Censor Opposing Viewpoints – Senate Docs Reveal

Any time a government decides what people are allowed to think or say is a dangerous time. Late last year, the United States Government...

What is a Woman? – Review from a Christian Perspective

What is man? What is woman? These two questions are at the forefront of understanding the basics of human life in the United States...
