July 26, 2024
BattlegroundTrans Activists Blame the Dead - In Failure to Blame the Shooter in the Nashville School Shooting

Trans Activists Blame the Dead – In Failure to Blame the Shooter in the Nashville School Shooting

Eli Erlick, said without evidence: 'It's clear the Nashville Covenant School is a right-wing institution in which Audrey Hale and many others were abused.'

In most mass shootings, at fault, in agreement with the general public, is the notion that the Shooter is the single mind to blame. Furthermore, the Left will blame the right and vice versa. There will undoubtedly be calls for new gun control regulations, and the Media will always initially blame “Right Wing White Extremists” for the attack until the details emerge. At which time, the actual narrative and mindset of the Shooter unfold.

On Monday, a transgender individual shot through the glass doors of a Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee, and proceeded to roam the halls in a methodical manner, eventually killing three children and three adults before being unalived by police.

Within minutes of the shooting, the media jumped to calling for assault weapons bans, blaming Conservatives for inaction surrounding gun control and so on. However, an additional narrative is coming to light. Initially, police identified the Shooter as a teenage female, later changing their report to include that the Shooter is transgender and had previously attended the school.

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Fast forward two days, and we’re seeing messages from Transgender organizations claiming that “two tragedies” took place; one is the death of six people. The other is Aubrey “Aiden” Hale, who “felt he had no other effective way to be seen than to lash out by taking the life of others, and by consequence, himself.”

Again, the quote comes from an Organization called Trans Resistance Network, which released a statement after the attack. The statement ends with a threat to news organizations; “We remind the news media to respect the self-identified pronouns of transgender individuals who come across your desk.” Furthermore, the Trans Resistance Network calls the slaying a “Double-Tragedy.”

Now, Trans activists are blaming ‘radical religious schools’ in response to the Nashville mass shooting. However, they are failing to mention their calls for violence directly before. The Tennessee Legislature passed several bills to safeguard children from the whims of culture, and in response, activists called for “vengeance.”

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One activist, Eli Erlick, said without evidence: ‘It’s clear the Nashville Covenant School is a right-wing institution in which Audrey Hale and many others were abused.’ Further, Veronica ‘Nikatine’ Ripley, another trans activist, reposted Erlick’s tweet and slammed ‘conservatives’ love affair’ for those institutions.

Another activist posted to TikTok;

In response to the shooting, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee gave this message.

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