July 26, 2024

The Christian
Faith Bases Articles and Headlines

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Biden is Planning to Sweep Away Religious Liberty Protections with the LGBT Agenda –...

Joe Biden is planning to bring back the Obama era advancement of the LGBT agenda and, in the process, sweep away Religious Liberty protections. In fact, Joe is “proposing to carry out virtually every...

Kansas Middle School Forced to Stop Operation Christmas Child, Sending Shoeboxes of Necessities to...

A middle school in Kansas was forced to stop participating in the popular Christmas Program, Operation Christmas Child, which collects and sends school supplies, hygiene products, and toys to children worldwide. The school received...

Mississippi Principle Orders Third Grader to Remove ‘Jesus Loves Me’ Mask

A third-grade girl's family has filed a federal lawsuit after their daughter’s school principal ordered her to remove her mask that had the words ‘Jesus Loves Me’ printed on it. The 3rd grader, name...

Shocking New Survey: Only Two Percent of Millennials Hold a Christian Worldview

The next generation is in trouble. According to a brand new poll conducted by Dr. George Barna and the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, most Millennials don’t hold a Biblical Worldview. They...

Chinese Authorities Order Low-Income Families to Abandon Faith or Lose Financial Aid

Many have praised the Chinese Communist Party for their ability to reportedly beat the Coronavirus; however, those same organizations often overlook the atrocities committed by the Chinese Communist Party. Government officials in China have...
The Gladiator

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