July 26, 2024
NewsThe Globalist Agenda; End US Dominance - WEF Predictions, Nation States Have Waged a Comeback and By 2030 - 'America's Dominance is Over'

The Globalist Agenda; End US Dominance – WEF Predictions, Nation States Have Waged a Comeback and By 2030 – ‘America’s Dominance is Over’

2030 is just under a decade away, and for the last century or more, the United States has stood as the strongest Nation amongst all odds. Wars, economic crises, cultural upheavals, political dynasties, and more have tried to bring the single hegemonic force to an end, yet failed. However, according to the World Economic Forum, the end of our dominance is near.

According to the WEF Predictions for 2030, written in 2016, “There will be no single hegemonic force, but instead a handful of countr...

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