July 26, 2024
NewsChina is Waging Information Warfare: Beijing is Preparing for a Second Wave, State-Run Media Suggested the Coronavirus Started in Italy

China is Waging Information Warfare: Beijing is Preparing for a Second Wave, State-Run Media Suggested the Coronavirus Started in Italy

Update; New information was just released by Bloomberg, confirming that China deliberately lied regarding the amount infected and the number of deaths. 

China's state-run media outlets have now blamed Italy for starting the Coronavirus. Further, Beijing initially accused the United States and now have twisted the words of an Italian physician, Giuseppe Remuzzi, to take the blame off of themselves.

The Coronavirus started in Wuhan, China. The Communist government of China covered up the first few cases of the Coronavirus by destroying samples and even charging a doctor with a misdemeanor for "spreading rumors."

However, the communist nation...

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