July 26, 2024

UN Chief Warns of AI Risk

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed concerns about the potential risks of artificial intelligence (AI) to global peace and security.

He emphasized the need for member states to establish safeguards to regulate and control the technology. Guterres acknowledged the far-reaching impact of AI in various aspects of our lives and highlighted its potential for both good and harmful effects.

While AI has the ability to address issues such as poverty and diseases, it also has the potential to disrupt global peace and security. British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly, who presides over the UN Security Council, acknowledged that AI will significantly impact the Council’s work and could either enhance or disrupt global strategic stability.

Cleverly recognized the moral questions raised by AI, particularly regarding accountability for lethal decisions on the battlefield. Later this year, the UK government plans to host an AI summit to further address these concerns.

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