Word For Today

Hello friend ,

Thank you for being a subscriber to The Maverick - Word For Today. I wanted to touch base with you and let you know that Maverick Journal is announcing a new initiative; The Bible Project.

Each day, for 1189 days you can receive a chapter of the Bible. The full Bible plan is designed to bring us closer to scripture and closer to God each day. Starting in Genesis and finishing in Revelation.

Like many of you, I read the Bible each day - and this will be my second time reading it cover to cover, a chapter a day. While I have many read chapters of the Bible several times over, cover to cover is a full scale slower pace to listen to God.

You can subscribe to A Chapter a Day by clicking here.

Lastly, we're not just a Media/News company - we believe in bringing back the Moral Compass and as a result, each day a chapter of the Bible will be posted to The Maverick starting on the first of January 2023.

Again, I appreciate your subscription and I hope that you enjoy our newsletters. Should you desire, you can support these projects by donating or subscribing to the Maverick.

God Bless, and carry on!